Florida Outsources Concealed Weapon Permit Processing to Cuba
Overwhelmed by number of recent Concealed Weapon Permit applications, the State of Florida has resorted
Quote of the day
“…the only background check I’d support is one on politicians.”
Sheriff Richard Mack (Sheriff of Graham
Black helicopter conspiracies…
The government is out to get me. Just because I'm paranoid doesn't mean it isn't true.
I hear it starts with censorship and then more drastic things happen, like wedgie boarding. I found out today that my blog feed has not been working for a while. For a split second I thought I might have screwed up some HTML tags or done something else stupid technically. Then I realized that's impossible. I know how to operate Microsoft Word, Adobe Elements, and The Clapper after all.
“Impressive Chewing” Technology to Secure Israel’s Borders
The Israeli Defense Force (IDF) recently fielded a new top-secret weapon designed to secure
A true HDTV patriot…
“.. I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me
Turn that frown upside down
While I think there is some “panic” in the recent buying surge of guns
Discrimination against gun owners?
From the NRA-ILA:
In yet another example of hostility towards lawful firearm owners, the Obama transition