Tom McHale | My Gun Culture

Guns, Gear, Ammo, Concealed Carry and 2nd Amendment News

You may notice things look a little different this week. Lighter, fresher, perhaps a bit more airy. Time for a change, I guess.

I’m also making some changes to the content and the way it’s chosen and presented. With the new email system I should have more room for commentary and such right in the email itself. So if you want more detail, click away to the source as always. If you don’t need it, I’ll try to make the bits below more free-standing so you can get the gist just by reading this email.

We’ll get the kinks out over the next couple of issues and, as always, just reply back to any of these emails with feedback, thoughts, ideas, questions, etc.

Stay safe out there!

About Warning Shots…

When Mas told me about this story, I was intrigued. After all, everyone agrees warning shots are almost always a bad idea. I go into the concept at great length in ​my new concealed carry book​, but for now let’s just say there’s very, very rarely a benefit and almost always downsides. Yet, here’s a case, where, arguably, it might be the better of other bad alternatives…

Warning shots are a staple of TV and movie screens. The actor points a gun aloft and screams, “Stop or I’ll shoot!” and torches one off. Almost every legitimate shooting school for armed citizens, including mine, will tell you to avoid warning shots, and damn near every law enforcement agency in the USA actually forbids them.

However, it is axiomatic there is an exception to every rule. Let’s examine a case in point.

The Practical Guide to Concealed Carry

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The Practical Guide to Concealed Carry will propel you into the “planning and preparation” lifestyle. Good planning leads to success, and the best way to start your planning journey is to embrace reality ruthlessly. 
We’ll discuss strategies for living a more “switched-on” and observant lifestyle in detail, along with the right responses to many of today’s potentially defensive encounter scenarios.

Origin Story: the .357 Magnum

Sometimes, good things do come out of a committee, especially when committee members don’t know they’re working toward a common goal.

I always learn something about Wheelgun history from Tank Hoover. This time, it’s the story of how some dissatisfaction of Elmer Keith, paired with some deliberate work by Phil Sharpe and then Major D.B. Wesson, brought us to what we all know and love today — the .357 Magnum.

Another Real Avid “Handy” Tool…

I love “third hand” tools. This new one from Real Avid arguably offers both a third and fourth hand to your gun maintenance and cleaning chores.

The Smart Fit Vise Block fits into most any bench vise and is designed to hold steady a wide range of GLOCK and GLOCK-compatible pistols via an adjustable insert for the magazine well. The idea is to hold the gun solid and steady using a non-essential location that won’t interfere with most cleaning and basic home gunsmithing tasks.