Winter is here, so for me, it’s outside-the-waistband (OWB) carry season — at least some of the time. While I generally make more use of Kydex for IWB carry here in the humidity capital of the world (leather can get sticky on the draw when moist, and yes, I hate that word), the cooler months offer an opportunity to easily conceal a full-size pistol with classic OWB leather.
Tactical Foolery Or Effective Concealment?
It seems all the “cool kids” are carrying concealed in the appendix position these days. You know, the guys with beards, high-speed, low-drag instructors and all manner of serious gun folk.
So, is it a “tacti-cool” fad or a responsible and effective method of everyday concealed carry?
Gun Cranks Podcast: Then And Now: Our Concealed Carry Journey
What was your first carry gun? Tom McHale, Ashley McGee, and Nic Lenze discuss where they started, what they carry now, and how clueless husbands can be.
Top 10 Tips For Urban Survival
Some people are naturally observant. I’m not one of them. My wife can sprint through a crowded airport on a holiday weekend wearing noise-canceling headphones and then proceed to describe everyone there, who has middle seats on their next flight and which of their kids are taking violin lessons. On the other hand, I could trip over Jabba the Hut playing “I Am the Walrus” on a set of kettledrums and not notice.
What’s the moral of the story? I have to work at situational awareness. No, I mean it. I deliberately have to “switch on” when I’m out and about or the world will pass me by while I remain blissfully unaware. As a result, I’ve had to learn and develop some techniques and hacks to help me spot potentially dangerous anomalies and lifesaving opportunities during my daily travels. Maybe some of these strategies will help you too.
Packin’ Heavy — More than 10% of Adults in 15 States Have a CCW Permit
More than 10 percent of all adults in 15 states are licensed to carry concealed
Danger! Scenarios!
Over the past three days I’ve been shot, stabbed, beaten, wrestled, molested by drunks, thugs and muggers, stabbed some more and killed about a dozen times.
FBI Crime Data Says Armed Citizens Shot More Criminals in 2020
One stunning revelation in the FBI Uniform Crime Report for 2020 is that armed private
Cold Carry: Why the 1911 .45 ACP Wins in the Winter
The late Jackson Beard, who rose through the ranks of the King County, Washington Sheriff’s
Irrational EDC: Is an Ankle Gastroplasty Kit Too Much?
I had a great time talking with my partner in crime, GUNS Magazine Editor Brent
The .22 LR Can (Almost) Kill You
The .22 LR can (almost) kill you.
The argument is background noise anyplace two or more