Looper Sophia Ladies Gun Holster: Equal Measures of Elegance and Function
Looper’s Sophia gun holster is a ladies version of a traditional slide style
Looper’s Sophia gun holster is a ladies version of a traditional slide style
One thing I’ve found testing thousands of rounds of ammunition through a wide
Let’s start with a pop quiz. What does SMRS stand for?
A. Southern Midget Racing Series
Here’s a chance to point you to a great resource for all sorts of concealed
Recently I ran across a deal that I couldn’t refuse on a Mossberg JM Pro
The original design behind the is way older than Don Johnson’s Miami Vice character.
When I lug my ammunition testing setup to the range, I get more strange looks
Moving right along with the Blackhawk! custom AR-15 project…
Somewhat like Captain Jack Sparrow, the
Recently I had a Springfield Armory