Carrying a compact pistol or revolver in your pocket can be an effective (and convenient) solution year-round to carrying a concealed firearm. As with most all things related to guns, there are some hard and fast rules to make sure you’re doing it safely. Here are some tips to get your pocket carry solution in order along with some proven pocket holster recommendations.
Holster Tips: Things You Learn From The Box O’ Holsters
Burning through hundreds over the years has exposed more than a few learnings through brute-force trial and error. Here are a couple...
6 Lessons Learned About Appendix Carry
O day, I woke up with a fleeting glimpse of common sense and decided to try appendix carry before continuing to pass judgment. What a novel concept! After some thought, I figured I ought to give it a long-term try. If it was going to be anything like the transition from not carrying a gun to carrying concealed daily, I figured I was in for plenty of trial and error — a short “try and judge” strategy wasn’t going to cut it.
False Assumptions! You Most Certainly Can Carry a Larger Gun
I’m saying you can carry a larger gun concealed — every day even. To be clear, I’m not talking about one more powerful or in a larger caliber. I’m talking about a handgun physically bigger than the pocket micro mini subatomic ultra-compacts all the rage these days.
A Quick Look at the Bravo Concealment LINKed Holster
Here’s a mea culpa moment: I always feel I “should” carry at least one spare magazine for capacity and failure resistance. Do I follow through? Not nearly often enough.
American Handgunner Carry Options DeSantis OWB Season Leather – American Handgunner
Winter is here, so for me, it’s outside-the-waistband (OWB) carry season — at least some of the time. While I generally make more use of Kydex for IWB carry here in the humidity capital of the world (leather can get sticky on the draw when moist, and yes, I hate that word), the cooler months offer an opportunity to easily conceal a full-size pistol with classic OWB leather.
Put a sock on it! – A Nifty Concealed Carry Solution for Spare Magazines
Here’s a nifty gadget for concealed carry. The
Stick It In Your Pocket! A Miracle Holster from Blackhawk
These Blackhawk TecGrip holsters are somewhat miraculous. Using no loops, straps, or
6 Things You Learn Buying Holsters By The Ton
Buying a quality holster is equally important to buying a quality firearm. Even still, you