Lots of guns? Yes.
Expulsions and/or Suspensions? No.
“L” shaped Pop-Tarts? I’m not sure, but if there were, no one had a meltdown over it.
What universe am I in? That would be the Jacksonville Skeet and Trap Club in Jacksonville, Florida for the Southeast Collegiate Invitational Shoot.

Students shooting guns everywhere! Panic? No. Respect, determination and safety? Plenty of that to go around. Clemson shooter Libbie Sabo busts some skeet.
Dozens and dozens of college students competed from institutions including Clemson University, Jacksonville University, Florida State, University of Florida, University of Kentucky, Embry Riddle Aeronautical University, Stetson, Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College and Emmanuel College. If your school was there and I missed it, my apologies – shooters were everywhere.

This is what a clump of lead pellets flying at 1,200 feet per second looks like. Mad photography skills? Nah, I just got lucky!
The event was a mixed discipline format with every shooter completing 50 targets each of trap, skeet and wobble trap.

Another lucky shot! Mine, not the shooter’s. Hunter Baughman’s shot was all skill. Note the breaking clay upper right.
These competitors are a fine example to all. I don’t think I’ve been called “sir” so many times since my last arrest.
Rivalries? Sure. Even though the Florida State / Clemson football game started about three hours after this event, I hardly saw any fist fights between the two squads.
One of the neat things about the shotgun sports is that men and women compete together. Some events specify mens and ladies winners, but everyone shares the same field. The ladies shown here were taking names. A word of advice – don’t make any side bets against them.

This is a shotgun technique called “intense focus.” Don’t interrupt Clemson shooter Cat Blankenship when she’s working.
Generally, with this many schools, each potentially fielding multiple squads, the meet is an all day affair. In the event of ties, a shoot off is held to determine the winners. First one to miss a target is out.

There sure are a lot of Team Clemson photos here. Hey, that’s my prerogative as I’ve got two students there.

I believe this is an example of the rigorous pre-round concentration exercise used by many of the competitors. Zach Wyatt is concentrating really, really, hard.

Just one of the wobble trap fields racked up over 3,000 targets thrown by the end of the day.

The high overall individual shooters Alex Rennert from University of Florida and Shelby Lopresto from host school Jacksonville University.
Great example of responsible gun ownership and young adults great to see