Hey folks, I’ve got some exciting news that may cheer you up in these troubled economic times. Great, now I sound like a G. Gordon Liddy commercial…
The good folks at Engarde USA donated a free set of body armor for us to give to one of our lucky readers. Yes, that’s right. Free. No charge. And it’s not even used! Just kidding… but seriously, it is new in the box. And it’s never been shot at. If you win, it’s our recommendation that you try to avoid getting it shot at also.

Win this Engarde USA body armor. A $625 value, it can be yours just for a little “Like” on our Facebook page.
We’ve actually got a second identical set of Engarde Body Armor that we’re going to shoot at with all sorts of pistol calibers. So you can see exactly what you’re getting and how it performs. Look for a separate review article here in the next week.
But, just to tide you over, here are the basic features:
- External configuration designed to wear over your shirt.
- The carrier fully encloses front and back panels that overlap on the sides.
- The panels are constructed from Dyneema SB-21. You can read more about that here, but for now, know that it’s designed to stop most pistol rounds.
- Separate pockets allow insertion of ceramic plates to help stop rifle or machine gun rounds. Ballistic plates are not included in this giveaway, but you can buy them from Engarde USA.
- Generous hook and loop panels allow attachment of gear on the exterior – front and back.
- The carrier features hook and loop straps over the shoulders and around the sides for a perfect fit.
- The interior features mesh construction to help keep you cool and comfortable.
- The carrier is navy blue.
This is an incredibly awesome opportunity! The Engarde USA armor we’re giving away retails at $625! Yes, six hundred and twenty five dollars!
How to win:
- Like our Facebook page.
- Yes, that’s it. No catches. Nor do you have to attend a brief seminar educating you on vacation property investments in the
swampslowcountry of South Carolina. - We’ll fire up the Google machine and use Random to pick the winner from all of our followers on Saturday November 23rd. So, instead of going shopping after Thanksgiving, make sure to get on Facebook for a minute and like My Gun Culture.
- If you already like our Facebook page, you’ve already entered! And thanks for checking us out before this contest!
The fine print:
- The size is large. If you win, you can choose any size you want, as long as it’s size Large. Don’t worry, be happy, the Engarde Large size fits the broadest variety of humans. I myself take an extra large, but I’ve really been enjoying the Butterscotch Krimpets recently. Sorry, no substitutions. I have one set here, in the box, waiting for you, but it’s a size large.
- The color is Navy Blue.
- State laws. It’s up to you to make sure there are no stupid laws in the place of your residence that would prohibit me from sending this to you. If your laws won’t allow you to win, we have to pass you by and go to the runner-up. Sorry, no substitutes or cash equivalents. Write your congress-critter and get the laws fixed so you can win next time.
- We’ll post the winner on our Facebook page. Depending on your specific Facebook privacy settings, we may not be able to message you, so it’s up to you to check our page to see if you won. If a week goes by and we can’t contact you, we’re going to the next name generated by Random.
- That’s about it. We’re going to keep this pretty simple. Because we believe in insane practicality.
While you’re waiting to win, why don’t you check out our latest books, available in print and eBook format. They’re insanely practical too.
Would love to win something
[…] Read the full contest rules here. Like our Facebook page. And check our Facebook wall on November 23rd. That’s it. […]
[…] I mention we’re giving away a set of FREE body armor? Thanks to the good folks at Engarde, we are. You can get full contest details here, but in short, […]
[…] Engarde Body Armor Deadline: November 22, 2013 Added to this list: October 23, 2013 https://mygunculture.com/want-free-body-armor-from-engarde-usa/ […]
im a fan cant wait till then , congrats to who ever wins
Thanks for doing this guys
Just ensure you get a full background check, blood test, and mental history from the winner before you give it away.
This is a great idea. I doubt I’ll win, but its worth my life to try right ! Times are getting shady here in CA. Some extra protection is def worthwhile.