The NRA Foundation helps tens of thousands of our nation’s youth experience shooting, hunting, archery and the great outdoors.
Maybe you’ve heard the following phrase, “your tax dollars at work.” It doesn’t paint a very inspiring picture, does it? The government takes your money, then proceeds to waste it.
Fortunately, voluntarily giving money to organizations like the NRA Foundation is a much more satisfying experience. Have you ever wondered what exactly all those Friends of NRA banquets benefit? Well, we’re going to tell you what kind of impact your donation dollars make.
Last year, the NRA Foundation raised just over $42 million dollars from Friends of NRA benefits, direct donations, and corporate participation. The NRA Foundation turns around and invests a whopping 87% of every dollar into programs including youth shooting safety, range development and improvement, training, education and safety; and wildlife and natural resources. In 2014, that equated to $32.9 million of direct grants plus additional program funding.
Where does all that money come from? The lion’s share comes from hundreds of Friends of NRA benefit events held across the country every year. Since 1992, there have been over 16,000 Friends of NRA banquets and fundraisers drawing 2.8 million people like you and me. These events have brought in over $260 million to date. A critical revenue component are the national sponsors. Companies including Daniel Defense, Henry, Gaston Glock Style, Mossberg, SecureIt, Numzaan Safaris, NRA Outdoors and ArmaLite provide financial support at the national level.
So where does all that money go? Most of it is distributed in the form of grants.
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