Thursday, February 26, 2009 Fairfax, Va. – In a surprise vote today, Congress determined that there is in fact an important document called the consitution that outlines how the country should be run. “This new discovery kind of threw us for a loop” stated Senator Dianne Feinstein. “We’ve just been figuring things out as we go up to this point, and in our view that’s been working out pretty well. Except for the whole national bankruptcy thing of course.”
After discovering, and reading, the newly found Constitution, the Senate quickly voted 62-36 to overturn a controversial gun ban in the nations capitol. “Apparently there is some language in there that talks about peoples rights to own weapons of mass destruction or something like that” observed New York Senator Chuck Schumer. “My staff tells me its called the ‘second appendage’ or ‘second abomination’ or some such thing. I’ll have to look into it and get back to you. Clearly we’re going to have to fix that.”
Others were not surprised by the move. Chris Cox, Executive Director of the National Rifle Association’s Institute for Legislative Action commented “It’s time for leaders in Washington to wake up to the fact that the Supreme Court decision is now the law of the land.”
When asked about Cox’s comments, Senator Schumer appeared surprised. “What? That’s just great. First we find out about this Constitution thing and now you’re telling me about something called The Supreme Court? What is this country coming to anyway?”
Photo: The Coyote Report
Great Post. At first I was thinking OMG, they can’t be that stupid. Reading further, I got your humor, but then sometimes its easy to think that they are that stupid, especially when it comes to our former Speaker. Also, being that I am from the land of Feinstein, you can understand how I might think that she is unaware of the Constitution.
Someone, please read again for them the Second Amendment,or the “Second Apendage”, which ever they prefer, because still don’t think they get it.
A Gun Enthusiast Speaks