I had a great talk with Philip Toppino of WOFT about the importance of scenario-based training. Far too many gun owners don’t plan for what’s really likely to happen in the real world. Fortunately, mindset, learning, and ideally, live training overcomes this limitation. In fact, my new book, The Practical Guide to Concealed Carry is largely geared toward this very topic. While we’re on the topic, part of considering real scenario defense is understanding, and planning for, the very real risk be becoming a target for first responders, even though you were the victim.
On a lighter note, check out the video in this issue that shows in slow motion what really happens when you fire a 1911. It’s enlightening to see what moves when and how it all works. Engineering at its finest for sure.
My friend Doc Will Dabbs has a great story on Beretta’s through the ages. The distinctive “open top” design has been featured on some of the more notable pistols throughout modern history.
See ya next time,
Realistic Scenario Training for Self Defense; What You Need to Know
Tom talks with WOFT Training’s Philip Toppino about what self-defense encounters actually look like and how you can best prepare your family to avoid, and when necessary, overcome criminal encounters. From everyday scenarios to active shooting events, there’s much to learn.
Realistic Scenario Training…
Feb 7 · American Handgunner Insi…
See What Happens…
At the moment of ignition when you fire a 1911.
The gunsmiths at Wilson Tactical made this special cutaway 1911 pistol so a slow-motion camera could capture every movement during the firring and recoil cycle. It’s quite enlightening to see exactly how the lockup, release and recoil mechanisms work.
The Practical Guide to Concealed Carry
The Practical Guide to Concealed Carry will propel you into the “planning and preparation” lifestyle. Good planning leads to success, and the best way to start your planning journey is to embrace reality ruthlessly.
We’ll discuss strategies for living a more “switched-on” and observant lifestyle in detail, along with the right responses to many of today’s potentially defensive encounter scenarios.
Beretta Pistols Through the Ages
Most of the world’s autoloading service pistols operate off of the time-proven short recoil system pioneered by the legendary John Moses Browning in his eponymous Browning Hi-Power. In the case of the Hi-Power, the chamber end of the barrel mates with a slot milled into the slide. Recoil forces push the barrel back, the barrel disengages from the slide, and extraction and ejection result.
Most of the world’s autoloading service pistols operate off of the time-proven short recoil system pioneered by the legendary John Moses Browning in his eponymous Browning Hi-Power. In the case of the Hi-Power, the chamber end of the barrel mates with a slot milled into the slide. Recoil forces push the barrel back, the barrel disengages from the slide, and extraction and ejection result.
Tragic Mistake! Responder Shoots Robbery Victim…
This tragic story illustrates precisely why you don’t rush to get involved in a situation where you’re not directly involved. A responding officer rushed into the scene, moments after the armed robbers fled and promptly shot the victim, who happened to be dressed similarly to the robbers.
This one is well worth the watch as the scenario can happen far too easily.
Ever wondered?
Why are cashews always roasted?
Whose idea was it to drink cow milk?
Does space smell?
What you didn’t know about Carly Simon and Mick Jagger.
Do hangovers get worse as you get older?
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The Case Of The Fake Colt Sixgun
Is this sixgun real? Or fake? You might be surprised at how many fakes are floating around on the market. With big price tags attached to historical guns, it’s awfully tempting for some unscrupulous folks to swap in some non-authentic parts here and there to make a gun more appealing. And, of course, sometimes, the “fakery” is more innocent, with a seller passing along a gun he was told was real.
Roger shares a story of his “fake Colt Single-Action Army” experience. It’s a fun read, but more importantly, we can all learn ways to spot fakes and “parts” guns.
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