The P226 Air Pistols look and feel like the real thing. The real Sig's de-cocking lever is actually the safety on the air pistols. Push up to fire and down to put on safe.

The P226 Air Pistols look and feel like the real thing. The real Sig’s de-cocking lever is actually the safety on the air pistols. Push up to fire and down to put on safe.

While at this year’s NRA Annual Meetings & Exhibits in Nashville, I had one of those awkward moments when you bump into someone you think you know, but you’re momentarily stumped. While at the Sig Sauer booth I saw a guy that looked very familiar, but I couldn’t place him. It turns out it was Lou Riley, former CEO of GAMO USA. Riley is now heading up the brand new air products division of Sig Sauer. That’s right–Sig is making its own air guns, ammo, and accessories.

To me, this was pretty big news. Quality air guns can be used most anywhere, and ammo is inexpensive with a nearly infinite supply. When I asked Riley what he was planning, he directed me to a wall display and showed me samples of P226, P250, MCX, and MPX air guns and a slew of accessories. When he told me I could shoot them at an air-gun range there at the convention, I jumped on the opportunity, and begged to get some early samples to test out.

Now that I’ve had some trigger time with two of the test models that thousands of people shot at the convention, I’m not sure whether the operative word for these guns is “fun” or “training.”

Read the rest at Range365!