We’re not going to get wrapped up too much in the specifics of proper gun terminology. It can be intimidating and quite frankly, it’s not all that important as long as people know what you’re trying to say. But we will try to be accurate most of the time so you have the full picture.
Right off the bat, we’re going to run into a problematic situation. You see, some gun folks are so darn persnickety about using the correct words that someone, somewhere, is bound to correct you on your use of a gun word. Maybe you’ll walk into a gun store and ask if they carry extra clips for your Springfield XD handgun. Or perhaps you’ll refer to your Smith & Wesson 642 Airweight as a “pistol”. Do they know what you mean? Yes. Is it really necessary to cop an attitude and correct you? No.
Here’s one way to deal with that kind of thing should you walk into a gun store and get the terminology treatment…
You: Hi! I have a question…
Surly Gun Store Clerk: (Ignores you and continues talking to the gun shop groupies behind the counter)
You: Ummm, hello! I was wondering if you could help me out?
Clerk: Yeah, what?
You: I need to see if you have some extra clips for my new Glock.
Clerk: (Slowly turns to friends and does a full-body eye roll…) No, sorry, we don’t.
You: Aren’t these Glock clips here in the display case?
Clerk: Nope, those are magazines.
You: Well, do you have any that fit a Glock 17?
Clerk: Yeah.
You: Bless your heart… Now will you be a dear and sell me some of those MAGAZINES?
See what you did there? Here in the south, the phrase “bless your heart” loosely translates into something along the lines of “you’re really a clueless jerk, aren’t you?” The beauty is that you can say it with a bit of an accent and dripping with more sweetness than an extra large Chick-Fil-A iced tea. It’s a beautiful solution to many of life’s challenges. While we’re on magazines, let’s define “magazine” and “clip.”
Magazines and Clips
You know how you can spot a high school prom couple at an exclusive restaurant? Like when the pimply mannish boy requests A-1 Steak Sauce with his Chateaubriand? Well, there’s a similar thing in shooting – when people carelessly throw around words like clip.
Clips and magazines are both legitimate shooting related objects. While sometimes subtle, there are differences.
A clip is a device used to hold cartridges for the purpose of storage, packing, and easy loading into a magazine. Clips were a big deal back when the world had anger issues expressed by frequent large-scale wars. Five or ten rounds of ammo might be attached to a clip, which would allow a soldier to slide the rounds into the magazine of his rifle or handgun quickly and easily. Clips are still used today. Some .223 or 5.56 ammunition comes on clips to make it easier to load lots of rounds into a magazine at once.
A magazine is the container that holds cartridges for the purpose of feeding them into the chamber of a firearm. Magazines can be built into the gun, as with many rifles, or they can be removable, as with most semi-automatic pistols and AR type rifles. That thing that falls out the bottom of a Glock? That’s a magazine.
Confused? No problem. We’ve got a near fail-safe tip for you. These days you’re pretty safe referring to most things that hold bullets as a magazine. More often than not, you’ll be correct referring to it that way.
Read more about guns and shooting, in plain English, in our newest book, The Rookie’s Guide to Guns and Shooting, Handgun Edition.
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We can continue to be pedantic and point out that bullets are held by the cartridge case and not the magazine. The magazine holds cartridges, rounds or shells.
now aren’t you glad your momma made you look at your Funk & Wagnalls…