
LuckyGunner Blogger Shoot Sponsors

The crack investigative team at My Gun Culture has gained access to an operation so secret it is known to few outside the gun blogging community. And those who don’t know, but find out, will have to be killed. Or at least power-wedgied.

According to our unnamed inside sources,, in conjunction with Magtech, Sellier & Bellot, and RangeMaster, will be hosting a full-blown-full-auto-explosive-shooty-up-bang-bang festival over Memorial Day weekend. While the location is secret, many believe it will take place at Area 51, aka Dreamland.

In addition to free tactical pistol and shotgun training from RangeMaster, attendees will be testing large amounts of free ammunition in most common calibers – all provided by Magtech, Sellier & Bellot and

These companies may sound familiar as there has been much speculation that LuckyGunner provided the MagTech and Sellier & Bellot ammunition recently used during the Osama Bin Laden raid. No word as to whether Seal Team 6 will be in attendance. If they choose to attend, it’s likely that no one will know anyway.


Weapons In Attendance

Additionally, participants will be required to shoot the following weapons without (visibly) crying.

Yes, seriously.

As our readers know, we are all about giving. So with great personal sacrifice, we will be attending this event in order to provide full coverage for you.

Our plan as of now is to release to the public photos of this historic event.

Update: On further consideration, we have decided against releasing photos from this event as it is not in the best interest of the country. We need to be sensitive to the considerations of others who are not in attendance and therefore feel ill will towards us. And we are definitely not ones to ‘spike the football‘ so to speak.

Update to the update: On even further consideration, we’ve now figured out that the photos will leak to the public anyway, so we might as well publish them.

If technology allows, we will also attempt to capture the sound of our editor screaming like a little girl when he fires the PAK 38 Anti-Tank field artillery piece.

It’s not just an adventure; it’s a job.




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