Here’s a real shocker. Just 3% of criminals get their guns from retail sources. The rest steal or obtain them through the black market…
With the constant calls from anti-Second Amendment groups and politicians to make background checks mandatory for firearm purchases at gun shows, you’d think gun shows and private sales between individuals were a major source of the firearms used by violent criminals.
After all, anti-gunners always claim that their various “universal-background-check” schemes are for public safety and will prevent dangerous people from getting guns.
In truth, bad guys don’t use gun shows, gun stores, and legal sales between individuals to get their guns. Those making claims to the contrary should read the many reports related to this issue produced by the Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS), the federal agency under the U.S. Department of Justice which collects, publishes, and disseminates statistical data on crime, criminal offenders, and victims of crime at the state and federal levels.
Read the rest: Federal Research Shows Criminals Usually Get Their Guns via Crime
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