Devalued money

Devalued money

So my daughter and I are all alone this weekend. Wife and son are both out of town. We got a little bored and decided to go to the range. And shoot money.

More specifically, we wanted to see how hope and (holes in) change fared against the CZ 513 .22LR bolt action rifle with different types of .22LR ammunition.

It has come to our attention that we have inadvertently devalued the money supply.

We were just plinking and had no idea that we might have accelerated a complete meltdown on the US financial system. We apologize in advance for any inconvenience that may cause. Umm. Sorry. Our bad.

The CZ with a Pride-Fowler 6x40mm scope did a pretty good job with CCI Stingers. Learn more about the CZ 513 at If we did in fact destroy the economy, you might need one sooner rather than later.