Tom McHale

My Gun Culture

Guns, Gear, Ammo, Concealed Carry and 2nd Amendment News

Fun stuff this week…

If you really want to know the ins and outs of revolvers and why a 9mm cylinder in a .38/.357 wheelgun makes so much sense, tune in to my talk with all-around interesting guy Frank Jardim. You won’t regret watching or listening to this one.

If you want to create your own home-defense shotgun, Trent has some good ideas below on how to build a solid one on a reasonable budget. Check out his accessory picks, the build, and his results.

Stay safe out there — see ya next time.


video preview

Double Dog: 9mm and .357 Revolver

Gun guru/engineer/machinist/gunsmith/historian/writer Frank Jardim joins Insider to discuss the ins and outs of the Charter Arms Double Dog revolver line with interchangeable 9mm and .38/.357 cylinders. We discuss how they run and why it makes so much sense to have a 9mm option for your wheelgun.


Charter’s Double Dog .357 an…
Feb 13 · American Handgunner Insi…
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The best stories satisfy the recommended daily allowance of, “Wow! I never knew that!” ​The Practical Guide to Becoming the Least Boring Person in the Room ​delivers dozens of fascinating and entertaining tales about the world we live in.

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