Burning through hundreds over the years has exposed more than a few learnings through brute-force trial and error. Here are a couple…
Over the centuries, people have searched for wisdom from an odd variety of sources. The dead, elderly relatives, tea leaves, decks of cards, Ouija boards, and, more recently, crowdsourcing. That last one rests on the theory that if you get enough people to weigh in with their opinions, the truth will become evident by volume. I guess the crowdsourcing proponents have never heard of the Kardashians. Millions are attracted to that drivel, making the audience one of the largest crowds ever, but the lot of them combined likely couldn’t solve the daily Worldle with 10 guesses.
I’m aware of at least one crowdsourcing success story, however. You see, I have a crowd of holsters.
Source: Things You Learn From The Box O’ Holsters – American Handgunner
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