The four rules of gun safety do a yeoman’s job of instilling caution when handling firearms. However, they’re not intended to address the day-to-day responsibilities associated with gun ownership. It’s up to us to ensure our firearms are stored safely and not accessible to those who shouldn’t have access. And who doesn’t want a tool to help foil outright theft?
We can never be too careful with our gun security strategies. In fact, storage plans ought to use a layered approach like self and home defense. The more layers, the better. Full-size gun safes are a great solution for longer-term storage, but they don’t address quick access needs for carry or home defense guns. Small lockboxes are handy for those purposes, but by design, they can’t be as secure as an 800-lb. safe. And someone could steal the entire lockbox and figure out how to break into it at their leisure later.
Enter the Simtek StealthALERT sensor. This handy little device provides watchful eyes on … well, most anything while you’re away. Let’s explain how it works, then you’ll clearly see its applications.
Read More: Protect Your Gear
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