An interesting historical narrative about the US Gun Control movement…
In a time when all-encompassing freedom was the hot topic, the idea of everyone being able to own a firearm was the standard. The right of citizens to arm themselves was not only widely accepted but encouraged. Our Founding Fathers knew that tyranny would have a tough time rearing its ugly head if an entire country was armed to protect themselves from it happening again; hence why citizens in countries like North Korea cannot arm themselves.
The Founding Fathers trusted that the majority of its citizens would hold this right in high regard, respecting it by treating it with care and not using it for anything other than it’s intended purpose. With the right to life comes the right to protect it from anything, even one’s own government.
This, of course, was largely celebrated by U.S. citizens. It offered them a guarantee they had never known before, and a chance to trust that the government would uphold the ideal of never becoming too powerful. If it ever did, it would be met with a fierce opposition.
A History of Gun Control
People like to throw around the idea that gun legislation is “well intentioned” and meant to “reduce violence.” Is that the reality? No. Since its inception, firearm regulation is meant to control societal groups masked within the politically correct façade of “safety.”
The premise of gun control was initiated before the U.S. even formed. We can thank the south (ironically) and specifically the colony of Virginia for the first body of this type of legislation. Here’s a walk through the history of gun control in the U.S.
Read the rest: A History of Gun Control in the United States and How It Relates to Racism
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