OK, so maybe the 173 trillion number is more of an estimate. Regardless, most people haven’t ever read the founding documents, which is exactly why we wrote this new book. Here’s the scoop from the Press Release.

The Constitution - A Revolutionary Story

The Constitution – A Revolutionary Story

New Book Offers Constitutional Edu-tainment 

The historically accurate and decidedly entertaining owner’s manual, The Constitution – A Revolutionary Story covers the how, what, and why of that 200-year-old parchment.

The Constitution - A Revolutionary Story

The Constitution – A Revolutionary Story

Charleston, SC (September 7, 2017) – These days, the debate over what’s constitutional and what isn’t is a daily war of words. Most of those talking heads on TV know less about the Constitution than the chemical composition of spackle. That’s why the author, Tom McHale, wrote The Constitution – A Revolutionary Story.

This simple (and fun) owner’s manual will help readers become constitutionally astute in no time.

“Most people have never actually read the Constitution,” observes author Tom McHale. “That’s not entirely surprising because it’s not exactly enthralling reading. Full of arcane words like ‘attainder’ and ‘emoluments,’ it takes some commitment for people to digest the Constitution in its original form.”

That’s exactly why McHale decided to write The Constitution – A Revolutionary Story. It explains in everyday language the underlying concepts of natural rights and the real purpose of consent-based government. The book also clarifies how each of the three primary founding documents, the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights, work together to define the goals, theory, and mechanics of the American system.

The heart of the book is a simplified and enjoyable walk through the contents and meaning of the founding documents. Readers will have a clear understanding of what’s included in the three founding documents and each of the 17 later amendments to the Constitution.

 “Our goal was to make the Constitution so easy to understand that even a career politician can grasp it,” jokes McHale.

The Constitution - A Revolutionary Story

The Constitution – A Revolutionary Story

The Constitution – A Revolutionary Story includes the following sections:

  • Introduction
  • A Brief History
  • A New Type of Government
  • Constitutional What’s and Why’s
  • The Declaration of Independence
  • How the Constitution Came to Be
  • What Does the Constitution Say?
  • The Bill of Rights
  • Later Amendments
  • The Constitution Today
  • The Original Founding Documents

The Constitution –  Revolutionary Story is available now in Kindle and paperback formats from Amazon.com.


Author Tom McHale has published seven books and nearly 1,500 articles for various print and online publications. His books help to explain complicated topics in fun and easy to understand ways. He’s a committed lifelong learner and believes that ongoing education doesn’t have to be arcane or boring. There’s no reason that people can’t have a little fun while expanding their horizons.