Gun Tote's Mamas Now Known As Mamas In Black

Gun Tote'n Mamas Now Known As Mamas In Black

The crack investigative team of My Gun Culture has recently uncovered a surprise coup within the Intergalactic Security Organization previously known as Men in Black (MIB). Due to the recent Hollywood smash hits Men In Black and Men In Black II, covers of the MIB organization and those of its top agents, J and K, have been blown, rendering their future undercover effectiveness limited.

A new team has been brought in to run the top-secret organization. Fronting as a women-owned company catering to the female concealed carry handbag market, Gun Tote’n Mamas has taken over management and day to day operations. The new team will be focused on securing the 1,500 aliens known to be residing on earth, protecting planet Earth from alien enemies, and of course making a wide variety of adorable, yet functional ladies concealed carry handbags. Insiders say that while the organizations name will remain unchanged – MIB – it’s meaning will now be Mamas In Black.

Agent Zed, former head of MIB was complimentary about the choice for his successor. “They have been doing good security work in the concealed carry handbag business” stated Zed. “For example, their concealed carry purses have slash resistant straps. Features like that can really come in handy when doing battle with a Bug alien.”

Typical Bug Alien

Typical Bug Alien (Image: Columbia Pictures)

As part of the new role, all seven women of Gun Tote’n Mamas have voluntarily submitted to have every trace of their identity and existence purged. Not all on the team are happy with their new code names L, M, N, O, P, Q, and R. “I really wanted to be AAA” complained spokesperson for the Mama’s in Black team, Ripley, now known as R. “Then I could have told people it stands for Awesome Alien Avenger.

While the new team’s headquarters location is classified as Top-Secret, off-the-record sources indicate that the Mama’s In Black will move out of the groups Triborough Bridge and Tunnel Authority facility and operate out of an abandoned Bath & Body Works store.