For some reason, we in the guns and shooting community seem to be equally plagued with the human tendency to hear stuff and gleefully forward it along as accepted gospel, rarely stopping to subject said information to rigorous critical thinking. Don’t get me wrong, I’m as guilty as the next guy, but every now and then, a burst of cosmic gamma rays or perhaps a bad frozen burrito wrench me from my lemming-like stupor and make me step back and re-examine some topic.
Such is the case with appendix carry. For years, I was clearly in the “you’ll shoot your ^&*%s off” crowd. At other times during this era, I was a card-carrying member of the “you’ll just perforate your femoral artery and bleed out all over the floor” society. When I wasn’t looking down my nose over one of those pithy observations, I joined the “it’s as uncomfortable as some of those individual immunity challenges they concoct for survivor contestants” club.
READ MORE: 6 Lessons Learned About Appendix Carry – American Handgunner
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