Win These BSA Optics Adjustable Steel Scope Rings
Sometime on Saturday, at the LuckyGunner.com Blogger Shoot, I’ve got one shot to hit an old minivan with a Napoleonic field howitzer. This field artillery piece launches a 12 pound cannonball up to a mile. While I don’t know the exact range we’ll be firing from, let’s assume 1/2 mile for discussions sake.
Now to the free stuff contest. I’ve got a brand new set of BSA Adjustable Height Scope Ring Mounts to put on the line. If you want to win them, vote ‘Hit’ or ‘Miss’ in the comments on this post. I’ll randomly pull the winner from the group who calls it right.
Hint: I don’t plan on missing. But…
Pre-emptive taunting is allowed as long as its clean. Taunting a second time is also permitted.
Just to be really clear. We’ll be shooting at this:
With this:
Don’t worry, our intent is to post full video coverage of this event after the contest ends.
The rules: We’ll review the votes in the correct Hit or Miss category Monday night, May 30, 2011. If your vote ain’t in by then, you ain’t winnin’. All judges decisions are final. No cheating or other nefarious shenanigans.
I think you’ll hit it….you better or you’ll be getting a ration of S#it”
I soooo can’t wait to see what a 12 lb. ball will do to the target …
Man this is some serious pressure. A minivan is NOT small. And a miss would totally discredit every word on this web site. Ouch.
You go first!
I think its based on who of us go first. depends on what order you are in, but i would guess “miss” just out of spite, and “I fart in you general direction!”
Oh yeah? Your father smells of elderberries! So there.
I WAS ROBBED!!! but it was a fun weekend anyway! congrats Chad!
I know you must be bummed, but the really good news is that you got Second Place! Unfortunately there’s no prize for second, but you do get bragging rights 🙂
I’m gonna go with hit as well. Either way, enjoy!
Good choice. I rarely miss with Field Howitzers. Whenever I shoot them that is…
[…] close out the Hit or Miss post from last week, here’s a brief video of the Napoleonic Field Howitzer vs. Minivan question. […]
A little late, but the results are in. Here: https://mygunculture.com/2011/06/06/cannon-vs-school-bus-update/