I think it was Mike Tyson who modernized Helmut Moltke’s combat wisdom, offering the nugget, “Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth.” The notorious Dalton gang had a plan to rob two banks at the same time in Coffeeville, Kansas. until the town punched them right back.
Here’s the story of the end of the Dalton Gang. Raw and unfiltered, it shows what happens when potential victims band together and fight back.
Nature versus nurture. It’s a question as old as humanity. Are some people bad because they are imbued with faulty DNA, or is it that their mothers just didn’t love them enough? In the final analysis, most experts believe the end result is some toxic combination. Good people in bad circumstances might prevail, while bad people in good circumstances may yet hold out hope. However, bad people in bad circumstances can become a force of nature. So it was with the Dalton boys.
Source: The Last Ride of the Dalton Gang – American Handgunner
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