At long last, we’ve just published The Insanely Practical Guide to Gun Holsters! You can keep up to date with our forthcoming series of Insanely Practical Guides at
Here’s the scoop on The Insanely Practical Guide to Gun Holsters:
Let’s face it. Choosing the best way to carry a gun can be a daunting task. Whether you’re new to guns or have been shooting since you were a wee tot, this book can help you understand concealed carry methods, how to carry a gun safely, and the relative pros and cons of over 120 specific gun holster models. We’ll even teach you several ways to carry a gun in your underwear.
This book will help you make the right gun holster choice – saving you time and money – while offering a dose of humor while you learn.
“Leather sixgun holsters became popular when a series of low budget spaghetti western films are produced like The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly. Early design ideas are scrapped when it is determined that spaghetti does not ride well in leather holsters. And it makes many holsters soggy.”
Why do you need a book to choose and buy a gun holster? A few reasons really.
- At last count, there are 4,187,237 different holsters on the market. Well, that might be an estimate, but there are a lot. If you had a dollar for each of those holsters, you could almost cover the Kardashians’ weekly clothing budget. So how do you choose the right holster with all those choices?
- Hardly any stores carry a wide selection of holsters. Sure they might carry a couple of brands, but will they have a brand right for you and the model specific to your gun? It’s kind of like trying to find just the right shade of Morning Tropical Ocean Breeze Sunrise interior house paint at your local convenience store. It’s just not likely to happen. And that leaves you the option of having to search and buy from… the internet. And we all know that you can’t always believe everything you read on the internet. Well, except Youtube comments. Those are almost always true and thoughtful.
- You can’t really try holsters out before you buy. Especially those underwear holsters. Gun store sales staff tend to get a little cranky when you start shedding clothes next to the ammunition aisle.
- There are many different styles of concealed carry. Every day, innovative gun folks are inventing new ways to safely and discreetly carry guns. The variety of options is great, but how do you know which style of carry is right for you?
The editors at have painstakingly documented all the holsters we’ve tried over the years and provided helpful commentary about pros and cons of different holster styles. In other words, we’ve tried just about everything. We’ve had great successes. We’ve experienced colossal failures. We’ve listened to so many gun show huckster sales pitches that the late Billy Mays would be impressed. And the result? The Insanely Practical Guide to Gun Holsters.
“Hugging Aunt Martha can be really weird if you’re not careful. If you carry the gun on one side of your body or the other, you can adjust your hugging style to be more angular. If you carry a gun on one side, and spare magazines on the other, then you have to quickly develop a serious case of Aphenphosmphobia. That’s fear of being touched, which should cover the bases for most hugging encounters.”
The Insanely Practical Guide to Gun Holsters topics Include:
- A brief, entertaining and not entirely true history of holsters
- Weighing concealment versus accessibility
- Open or concealed carry? How to start a good bar fight.
- Ladies only gun holster solutions
- Belt carry gun holsters – inside, outside and underneath?
- Body carry solutions. Undershirts, belly bands and harnesses.
- Ankle holsters. You think your ankles were swollen before?
- Pocket gun holsters. Don’t worry, we keep things PG rated.
- You too can carry a gun in your underwear!
- Stashing guns in your clothing. Pants, shirts and jackets.
- Off premises parking. Ways to carry a gun not attached to your body.
- Home, office and car holster options.
- Magazine carriers and pouches. Ways to easily carry spares.
Loaded with pictures and the occasional comedic illustration, The Insanely Practical Guide to Gun Holsters will tell you just about everything you need to know regarding styles of carry and the pros and cons of dozens and dozens of gun holsters from numerous manufacturers.
“As famed concealed carry and armed combat instructor Mayor Michael Bloomberg likes to say, “beware the person who only has one gun, for they likely know how to use it.” Hang on a sec, we may have attributed that quote incorrectly. On second thought, Mayor Bloomberg might have said “beware the person who has a gun, for they scare me to death as I am a panty-waisted, elitist, wimp who relies on others to provide security for me while depriving you little people of your basic rights.” We’ll get that quote straight and report back later.”
Holsters are expensive. And important! The Insanely Practical Guide to Gun Holsters will help you make the right choice for your needs and lifestyle without breaking the bank.
Remember to keep you with new guides at!
When will Tom Hales book be available in paper form.
Hi David – Right now there are not plans to produce a paper version, but you can read the book on most any computer, smart phone or tablet with Kindle’s free reading apps:
Kindle also has a free cloud reading app that allows you to read the book in an internet browser:
Very foolish move not everybody has a kindle or smart phone or wants one,like me. And don’t like reading books off a computer screen. I feel that you are limiting access to your book by not putting it in print. I for one find this not very consumer friendly and narrow thinking! I would like your book but am not going to spend $200.00 for the privilege.
Very Foolish Move————Dave Marry
Thanks for your interest and comments Dave. Oh do I wish it was so simple to make a very foolish or non-foolish decision on this matter. I would love to offer a print version for our readers, but economics stands in the way. Publishing a near 300 page, full color book cost lots and lots of money. Insane amounts of money. If you have a spare couple of hundred grand you’d like to invest in return for a share of future sales, I am all ears! But seriously, we hope to offer this in the future, but for now there is not a decision to be made – it’s simply not an option from a cost standpoint. On the bright side, we’re able to offer the eBook version at much lower cost than a print version, but unfortunately that will not help your situation.
Again, thanks for your input.