12 Reasons I Carry A Gun
1. A fire extinguisher is a lousy
Try Competitions To Become A More Effective Shooter
There’s a big difference between good
Which Foot Is Legal?
One foot in this photo
Ammo Review: Winchester Ammunition Train and Defend
Two varieties of the same ammo: one for practice, the other for self defense.
How to Handle A Traffic Stop When Carrying a Concealed Gun
Here’s some useful advice, and straight from the horse’s mouth so to speak, but don’t
Tennis Anyone? The Award Winning Blackhawk! Diversion Concealed Carry Rifle Case
Talk about the ultimate diversion!
We covered some of the Blackhawk! Division concealed carry
The Looper Prohibition Capone Holster
The Prohibition Capone holster is an inside the waistband hybrid design, featuring a