Hybrid holsters, which use a leather backing for comfort and stability and a Kydex gun pouch for a secure fit and easy re-holstering, have become popular the past several years. The hybrid offers the advantage of an inside-the-waistband (IWB) holster that’s fully functional, but is as thin as possible.

A number of companies now manufacture this design. I’ve tried a number of brands, and the Galco KingTuk is now my first choice in the hybrid IWB category. When touring the Galco factory last fall, I saw exactly how much effort goes into the little things, such smoothing and polishing the edges of the Kydex pouch, polishing and buffing the edges of the leather, and the selection and construction of the hardware.

Galco King Tuk Hybrid Holster

The leather backing on the Galco KingTuk.

These aren’t just cosmetic details. Precise manufacture of a holster results in snag-free operation. Additionally, holsters take a lot of abuse, and when holster leather is properly finished on the front, back, and edges, it lasts longer and is more resistant to body sweat and other moisture.

Read the rest: Review: The Galco KingTuk Hybrid Holster | Range365