A long, long time ago during an internet shopping binge far away, I spotted an old Interarms model of a Walther PPK/S “gunsmith special.” I’m not a gunsmith, but do like to tinker. Oh, and I’ve always had a thing for the Walther PPK family of pistols. Why? I don’t know. I guess I just appreciate the classics. And who wouldn’t want a variant of the James Bond gun?

Anyway, the pistol came sans grips, magazines, and missing a few other mechanical parts. After a bit of internet shopping and reassembly, I took it for the first range outing. Guess what? I couldn’t make it through a full magazine without my spanky new/used Walther jamming itself into oblivion. Knowing even less then than I do now, I figured it had to be “ammo sensitivity.” So I proceeded to try numerous types, bullet weights, and brands. Still no joy. So I bought new magazines. That should fix it, right? Nope. Two magazines and about eleventy-trillion dollars in ammo later, I was still having problems.

While certainly heavier, it's not a lot bigger than a subcompact like the Ruger LCP. However, it is a heck of a lot easier to shoot well.

While certainly heavier, it’s not a lot bigger than a subcompact like the Ruger LCP. However, it is a heck of a lot easier to shoot well.

Read the rest: Resurrecting a Walther PPK/S – The Mag Life