Having only recently read Atlas Shrugged (yeah I know – a little late) I couldn’t help but draw some comparisons to the fine City of Pittsburgh and its relative lack of preparation for the influx of 70,000 very polite, but patient only-to-a-point NRA convention folks.
Let’s just say, that in the 2 hours and 45 minutes it took me to drive the 12 miles from my hotel to the convention center, I saw the following:
- 0 police officers directing traffic
- 1 sign indicating directions to convention center parking
- 2 very lackadaisical dudes collecting money for the 10,000 cars trying to park in the convention center lots
- 912 random red lights not in any way, shape or form configured to deal with a large influx of traffic
Wow. After the steel industry crashed one would think the city would have some motivation to attract convention business. Maybe. Or maybe not. They’ve only had years to prepare.
To quote Bill O’Reilly: “Pinheads.”
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