Want a deal?

American Handgunner Magazine is giving away a free digital copy of the 2019 Americans Handgunner SURVIVE Special Edition. It’s 148 pages of tips, tricks, and strategies to help you increase your preparedness.

Normally this guide would run you at least 1 1/2 rolls of Charmin Ultrasoft, but for now, it’s completely free.

Here’s some of what’s inside…

Surviving in the City: Beating the Odds in an Urban Jungle

Good Eatin’ in Bad Times: Good Tasting and Nutritional Survival Rations

Picking Your Piece: Tips on Buying Your First Handgun

Surviving in the City: Beating the Odds in an Urban Jungle

Tips for the First-Time Knife Buyer

A Roundup of Top Backpacks

Urban Survival Gear: Essentials to Ensure You’ll Survive in the City

Stop the Bleeding!

Survival Kit Must-Haves: Don’t Overlook These Necessities

Here’s the link with information on how to download your FREE copy!