Gunnie arguments that make no sense

A wise person once recommended that you never wrestle with pigs. Why? You both get muddy, and the pig kind of likes it. Yet against my better judgment, I occasionally wrestle with pigs online in pointless arguments. I’ll bet a box of .25 ACP ammo that you do too.

Recently, some faceless person at the opposite end of my tin can and string insisted that anyone using XS Sights was derpy. Yeah, I know, you can have more meaningful discussions if you get off your couch and walk to the corner of Ignorance and Bliss than debating online. Anyway, I happen to use XS Sights on my compact carry gun, because I like them. The older I get, the more I have to work to get my eyes to focus on small and close objects, like front sights. A physically large front sight like the XS Big dot jumps into clarity much faster (for me) than a smaller and more precise sight. Since I don’t foresee doing headshots on running ninjas from 75 yards away, nor do I use this configuration to compete at Bianchi Cup, the tradeoff between speed of acquisition and precision is one I’m happy to make. To make a long story short, the guy with the other tin can informed me that the XS Sights don’t work as well for me because someone else said they won’t, so obviously I was an uninformed idiot. So there.

I can’t for the life of me understand why gun people are so binary. Folks will fight to the death, or at least until something better comes on TV, over whether some method or piece of gear is the best. Of course, another equally credible group of people insists that something else is the only right answer, and every other opinion is for stupid special snowflakes. Guess what folks, like most things in life, there is hardly ever one and only one right answer to anything except of course the rightful winner of Dancing with the Stars.

With that said, here are the gunnie debates that make my bunions flare up.

Weaver Stance vs. Isosceles Stance vs. Jack Weaver’s Modified vs. Jack Weavers Second Cousin Twice Removed Amended Diversified Stance vs. Isosceles Congruent Trapezoid Parallelogram Stance vs. …

When it comes to the right shooting stance, everyone not only has an opinion but the one and only right and true answer. If your stance varies in any way from the “right” one, you’re at risk of death, spontaneous combustion, and possibly falling over.

I’ve got news for ya folks. I have invented the perfect shooting stance and all the others are stupid, wrong, and possibly illegal in 19 counties. It’s called the “Point the fiery end of the damn gun down range and shoot” stance. Fortunately, it’s easy to learn and you can start using it immediately. You’re welcome.

Read the rest at Shooting Illustrated.



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