The Savage M-11 Trophy Hunter XP comes complete with Nikon 3-9x scope.

The Savage M-11 Trophy Hunter XP comes complete with Nikon 3-9x scope.

No matter how you look at it, hunting continues to make gains in participation rates, spending, and popularity. For example:

Between the years of 2006 and 2011, hunting participation soared by nine percent. A big part of that boom was a burgeoning interest in hunting among females. In fact, female hunters were 25 percent more common in 2011 than they were five years earlier.

Hunting’s traditional ­demographic—rural, white males—dwindles every year. Urban hipsters, suburban locavores, homesteaders, and others who have recently come to care (as we always have) where our food comes from will be hunting’s new blood. Field and Stream

Women’s products have increased from 3% to 30% of Bass Pro Shops total sales over the past ten years. Johnny Morris, Owner, Bass Pro Shops.

Hunting-related spending grew 55% in 2011. National Shooting Sports Foundation.

To me, the most interesting underlying observation is the changing demographic. Like shooting sports in general, we’re seeing explosive growth in virtually all demographics except fat white guys. That’s fantastic. The more people from diverse backgrounds we embrace, the better off we all are.

Savage M-11 Trophy Hunter XP

Peeling back one more layer, this influx of new people presents both product and education opportunity for gun manufacturers. How do we help new shooters and hunters tackle the massive learning curves of guns, calibers, and optics? One way is to offer pre-configured, purpose-built rifles. The Savage M-11 Trophy Hunter XP is one great example. Even its name communicates its basic purpose – hunting.

The Savage M-11 Trophy Hunter XP is a ready-to-go hunting solution that helps simplify the learning curve. It comes preconfigured with a bore-sighted Nikon 3-9x optic with a ballistic drop compensation reticle. Take it out of the box, add ammo, and shoot. It couldn’t be easier. But that’s not all; when I say turnkey, I mean it. Of course, the obligatory gun lock is there, but so is a set of earplugs. You’ll also find an pamphlet that provides a brief education on gun safety. Stapled to the inside of the owners manual is a folded target you can use for zeroing the included scope. An Allen wrench tool for scope ring adjustment is there, and last, but not least, an AccuTrigger tool is there to adjust the trigger pull weight.

I recently picked one up to see just how effective this hunting-in-a-box rifle really is.

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