Imagine the 9mm versus .45 ACP argument on steroids. In the 9 v. 45 debate, most arguments boil down to whether fat and slow are better than skinny and fast. With the FN Five-Seven pistol’s 5.7x28mm caliber, what is thin and fast is completely redefined.
The Five-Seven pistol uses teeny, tiny centerfire cartridges labeled 5.7x28mm on the box. They’re not new – the cartridge was developed back in 1989 as a potential submachine gun alternative that would be capable of defeating body armor when using appropriate ammunition. It was originally intended for the FN P90 personal defense weapon. Later, the FN Five-Seven pistol hit the streets. While never adopted in broad scale by NATO, it has found homes in agencies and protective details around the world.
The safety is above the trigger. It takes getting used to but helps keep your trigger finger out until ready to fire.
Read the rest: FN’s Fast and Tiny Five-Seven Pistol – The Mag Life
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