Pocket carry is all the rage given the plethora of new itsy-bitsy, teensy-weensy sub-sub-sub-compact pistols. While one can question ease of shooting, caliber effectiveness, round count, and ability to put shots on target with reliability, you can’t argue with the convenience. A true “pocket gun” doesn’t require a radical change in dress code like buying pants in a size made for someone just like you, only 75 pounds heavier.

When I pocket carry this Springfield Armory XD-S I use a pocket magazine carrier on the opposite side.

When I pocket carry this Springfield Armory XD-S I use a pocket magazine carrier on the opposite side.

Of course, pocket carry requires (absolutely requires) a good pocket holster. There are several reasons for this. First and foremost, a pocket holster will protect the trigger and prevent something external from applying direct pressure to the trigger, causing an unwanted explosion in the privates area. The fabric of your pants is NOT enough to provide adequate trigger protection. The other reason is that a pocket holster orients your handgun consistently, so it’s in the position you expect when you reach to draw. If your gun is upside down or rotated 180 degrees in the opposite direction, your draw will be as smooth as a rhythmic gymnast getting tasered during the floor exercise.

Read the rest: Do You Need a Pocket Magazine Carrier? – The Mag Life