If you add a suppressor to your rifle, you’ll see more benefits than just a reduction of noise. Sure, lowering brain-rattling muzzle blast closer to hearing safe levels is a big benefit on its own. A suppressor also changes the feel of a high-powered rifle. By eliminating most of the blast, you’ll be less susceptible to flinch, and you’ll also experience lighter and smoother recoil.

So far, those things all sound like benefits. But, is that the case? Are there any potential performance drawbacks? Let’s consider some examples.

Do suppressors affect offset?

Almost always, when you add a suppressor to your rifle, the point of impact will change. You’ll need to “re-zero” the rifle for suppressed shooting. With most modern suppressor mounts, this shift is (in most cases) repeatable, so once you adjust for the suppressor configuration with a given load, you won’t have to do it again. If you change any other variables, another zeroing session at the range will be in your future.

To best illustrate what this means, let’s look at some actual examples. I went back though my old range notes to see what happened with point if impact shift with various silencers and rifles.

Read the rest: Do Suppressors Affect Performance and Accuracy? | OutdoorHub