Wood is an amazing construction material. It’s renewable, looks great, feels even better, and makes a handgun look really dapper, dandy, and dashing.

Does anything complement a sweet 1911 like wood grips? Better yet, wood Lasergrips?
Did you know that…
- Redwood bark can be up to 24 inches thick.
- Each year, the average American “consumes” enough wood to fill the cargo area of 4.11 AMC Gremlins, assuming you fold down the seats.
- Wood, when converted to paper at the Mead-Westvaco paper plant in Charleston, South Carolina, is really, really smelly.
The only visible parts not made of rosewood are the laser housing and activation button.
With all these nifty qualities, why is the industry steadily moving towards more plastic, and fewer wood offerings? Yeah, I know. Plastic is inexpensive, easy to manufacture and durable. But, but, but…wood!
Enter the Crimson Trace Master Series Lasergrips.
Available in G10 composite, walnut, and rosewood, the Master Series Lasergrips are the Cadillacs of the Crimson Trace offerings.
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