Gun Cranks Live: What’s REALLY Causing “The Ammo Shortage” and “Chicken Sniping”
The GunCranks – Brent Wheat, Tom McHale & Roy Huntington are back
The GunCranks – Brent Wheat, Tom McHale & Roy Huntington are back
The Gun Cranks are back and they’ve got the answers to the current ammo shortage…
A good read on the ugly details behind those benign-sounding universal background checks…
Editor’s Note: The
The Second Amendment Foundation, National Rifle
Stand your ground laws don’t allow you to be stupid…
Anyone who carries a firearm for
So, it appears that the murder rate in Mexico is 6 times that of the
New target shooter population up 51% to more than 51 million…
An interesting read on the shifting political winds and ramifications of gun control positions. Election