When you think of “big” handguns, it’s hard not to mention the . I’ve been tinkering with one, and here’s the net-net.

While available in other calibers, the Magnum Research Desert Eagle really hits its stride with the .50.

While available in other calibers, the Magnum Research Desert Eagle really hits its stride with the .50.


The Desert Eagle is a semi-automatic pistol that operates more like a rifle. The barrel is fixed – it doesn’t move during recoil. This allows the “Deagle” to have a top rail over the barrel. There is a slide that contains a rotating bolt system sort of like those on Modern Sporting Rifles. Also, like those, the system is gas operated. All of this manages the power of the 50 AE round and creates a workable semi-automatic design.

Read the rest: Brass Tacks: The Magnum Research Desert Eagle – The Mag Life