Out-of-control reloading component shortages, lasting years, are becoming a regular event thanks to pandering politicians and a hysterical media. So perhaps the time is not to start casting your own bullets. It’s fun, satisfying, and most importantly, puts you squarely in charge of your own destiny. Mike has some tips.
A personal talent that goes hand in hand with bullet casting is being a first-class scrounger — of shootable lead alloys. I know because I’ve been a bullet caster for well over a half-century and I have gone through many tons of lead alloys. Freely, I admit in my early casting days to begging adult friends and relatives for anything even resembling lead or lead alloy they might have lying about. One cousin and I even made off with a large lead block his father used as his shop’s doorstop. We replaced it with a bucket of old rusty bolts and he never missed it.
READ MORE: Life As A Lead Scrounger – American Handgunner:
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