Did you know that there are over 20,000 gun-related laws on the books throughout the United States? Did you know that more are added daily? Did you also know that you are responsible for knowing and adhering to every single law that’s in force wherever you happen to be standing at any given moment?
Also See: Justifying Deadly Force: 7 Areas Courts May Examine
Not knowing a law or that it exists isn’t an excuse, even though it’s impossible to know them all. Welcome to the legal system. While you can’t know every law on the books (no one can) you do need to understand the consequential ones applicable to your area if you plan to own a gun for self or home-defense purposes. There are no bigger laws than those related to homicide, and after a self-defense encounter, they just might apply to you.
Disclaimer: I’m not a lawyer, nor would I ever want to play one on TV, mainly because I think too many actors are self-righteous stuffed shirts, but that’s getting into personal opinion. But seriously, we’re sharing some learnings here in the interest of helping you start to think about the legal aspects of carrying a firearm for self-defense. Don’t rely on this or any other article as your legal backstop. It’s up to you, and you only, to know and follow the laws of your country, state, and locale. Fair enough?
With that said, and even though nuances of self-defense law vary by state and perhaps county or city, there are some basic principles that come into play. Let’s explore.
Read the rest: Are You Acting in Self-Defense Legally?
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