We picked up a supply of American Eagle (by Federal) .223 ammo recently to test for reliability. And reloadability.

American Eagle Tactical 223 Ammunition
We were looking for some decent plinking .223 ammo for the DPMS A3 Lite that wouldn’t break the bank – and that had brass cases acceptable for reloading. We’ve had decent success with some of the less expensive steel-cased ammo, and there is certainly a convenience benefit of not feeling guilty about picking up all the brass to save for future reloading. But given the very small price difference between the reloadable American Eagle and some of the communist block steel cased stuff, we elected to give it a try.
Is it acceptable bargain plinking ammo? Yes. It works – we have yet to experience an ammo related problem with it. Weighing random samples, we found reasonable consistency round to round. Looking at overall cartridge length was another matter, with about a .08 inch variance from rounds in the same box. Did we care? No. This was purchased as plinking ammo for fun, and at about 40 cents per round it’s great for reloaders. Shoot it once and keep the brass for the next several outings.
Way more cost efficient than buying raw brass as you get to shoot it first before the reloading process.
We’ll buy more.
Available Here | American Eagle (Federal) .223 Ammo 20/box |
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