There are lot’s of pocket holsters on the market, but what I really like about the Recluse Holster design is that it completely hides the profile of your gun. I mean completely – it hides a gun even better than the White House has been hiding Benghazi witnesses – and that’s saying something.

A pair or Springfield Armory XD-S pistols with Recluse holsters. The one on the left is designed for larger cargo style pockets.

A pair or Springfield Armory XD-S pistols with Recluse holsters. The one on the left is designed for larger cargo style pockets.

The large, flat and smooth front panel prevents any outline of your pistol from “printing” through the fabric of your pocket. While someone looking closely may see that you have something in your pocket, there is no hint as to what that something is.

Recluse Holsters feature a large front panel which completely hides the profile of your XD-S.

Recluse Holsters feature a large front panel which completely hides the profile of your XD-S.

All of the leather in the Recluse holster is somewhat stiff and sturdy. In addition to helping hide your gun, the structure helps keep your gun in the proper orientation in the pocket.

Here’s the stand-out feature of Recluse Holsters - the hinge flap which hides the profile of your gun, yet still allows you to obtain a firing grip on the gun while it’s holstered.

Here’s the stand-out feature of Recluse Holsters – the hinge flap which hides the profile of your gun, yet still allows you to obtain a firing grip on the gun while it’s holstered.

One other difference in the Recluse design is the “hinged” operation. Since the entire outside of the gun is covered with the leather panel, there has to be a way to get your fingers around the grip in order to draw, right? The interior leather flap is slit about ¾ of the way from top to bottom, allowing the trigger guard pocket, and your gun, to push away from the front panel. There is plenty of room to slip your fingers between the front leather panel and your gun, so you can get a proper firing grip before drawing. As I would say with any holster, be sure to practice this motion – a lot – with an unloaded gun. You want the draw motion to be completely instinctive.

But what if you have a laser mounted on your pocket pistol? According to Tod Cole at Recluse, no worries. They will be offering models compatible with Crimson Trace, LaserMax and Viridian lasers. Status on availability of the Recluse with various gun and laser combinations can change frequently, so be sure to check the web site for the latest offerings.

Recluse offers lot’s of other models, so check out their website for more information.

Learn more about the Recluse, and lots of other holster solutions in our book, The Insanely Practical Guide to Gun Holsters.

Now available in print! The Insanely Practical Guide to Gun Holsters

Now available in print! The Insanely Practical Guide to Gun Holsters