My Gun Culture Shooting Buyers Guide

We reviewed one of the first pre-production Crimson Trace Green Laserguards for Glocks (LG-452) a couple of months ago and found it, well, awesome.

Crimson Trace Green Laserguard LG-452 for Glock

Crimson Trace Green Laserguard LG-452 for Glock

What’s the big deal?

This. Green lasers are highly visible. Day, night, dusk, twilight, bright sunlight – you name it. We found that you can use the Crimson Trace Green Laserguard in sunny conditions with no problem. We tested it an outdoor shooting range in full sunlight and found the green laser dot easy to spot at 25 yards.

What’s really impressive is the visibility in “traditional” laser conditions, i.e. indoors or in low light. The speed at which your eye picks up the green laser in comparison to the red is simply amazing. The green dot really jumps out at you.

Green lasers drain suck power like Rosie O’Donnell consumes donuts, so for now, the Crimson Trace Green lasers are available in Laserguard configurations as there is more space for battery. Also, be aware that you’ll get about 2 hours of constant use. This is plenty considering the unit as a manual on/off switch to save juice when you’re just practicing.

Like other Crimson Trace Laserguards, this one uses an instinctive activation button. Just pick up the gun and it’s on.

Available Here Crimson Trace Green Laserguard for Glock LG-452