If you have started the fun and adventurous hobby of reloading your own ammunition, otherwise known as cooking with explosives (OK technically, they’re high burn rate propellants), you might want to check out the Hornady Lock and Load.

Hornady Lock and Load Progressive Reloading PressWe’ve been using a Hornady Lock and Load AP progressive reloading press for about 2 years now and it has changed our life. Or at least the reloading part.

Here are the high points:

  • A progressive reloader has multiple stations so each pull of the press handle completes multiple steps such as depriming, case resizing, priming, case mouth belling, powder dispensing, bullet seating, and crimping.
  • The Hornady Lock and Load AP features automatic indexing, which means the handle pull motion also advances brass through the steps automatically.
  • Like the marketing material says, you can load 400-600 rounds per hour with this press. If you want to be extra cautious and visually verify each step, you can still easily load 200-300 rounds per hour.
  • It’s called a Lock and Load because the design features quick mount and dismount bushings that can hold your dies in just the right position. If you buy a bunch of bushings, you can have all of your dies pre-adjusted on the bushings so much of the hassle of changing calibers on the press is eliminated.
  • The powder drop mechanism only works if a case is present, so you won’t make a big powder mess.
  • You can add accessories like motorized case and bullet feeders to speed up the process even more.
  • It handles gajillions of rifle and pistol calibers. All you need is the correct Hornady Lock and Load Case Plate and normal, caliber-specific dies.

This has been a great investment for us. Hornady service is outstanding if you have questions or problems.

For the price, you can’t beat it.


Available Here Hornady Lock and Load AP Progressive Reloading Press