On the tenth day of Christmas, I hope my true love gives to me… Ten toys for loading… |
Lyman Master Casting Kit I had the pleasure of meeting Mike Venturino at last years SHOT Show and he got me hooked on two things: 1. Moving to Montana and 2. Starting to cast my own bullets. Why? Because it sounds like a whole new adventure in reloading. |
Lyman Turbo Sonic Ultrasonic Case Cleaner Liz from Lyman showed me one of these babies at the 2011 SHOT Show and I still haven’t gotten one. I can think of all sort of gunny things to clean with this. Brass, dies, gun parts, and especially gas shotgun and AR parts. Oh, and my grubby watch bands that get so nasty at the range. |
Hornady Lock and Load AP Red team fans We’ve got you covered. 5 station progressive press offers station configuration flexibility. Not getting into the Hornady versus Dillon debate – they both work. |
Dillon XL 650 We love the blue team as well. 5 Station progressive press with automatic indexing. Enough stations for a powder check step to help avoid unpleasant situations at the range. Pricey, but it works. Forever. We asked for both red and blue so we can have one always set up for rifle calibers and the other for pistol. |
Giraud Power Trimmer Wow – process lots of rifle brass using that newfangled electric power thing. Trim, chamfer inside, chamfer outside, and deburr – all in one simple step. |
CED M2 Chronograph Optimized for a broader range of light conditions, this chronograph lets you work at the range in the earlier and later hours of the day – when it’s more likely to be quiet. |
Dillon Super Swage 600 I can get nearly unlimited .223 brass from the local range, but over half of it is some brand that has crimped primers – hence the need for an easy and consistent way to un-crimp the primer pockets. The Super Swage supports the brass from the inside and simply “rolls away” the crimp. |
Hornady Lock and Load Case Feeder So I still have this thing about wanting to place bullets by hand while using a progressive reloading press. But it would be cool to have the cases fed automatically… |
LoadData Subscription An invaluable online resource for reloaders. Over 230,000 loads detailed for your use. Data from most of the major reloading manuals – all in one place. And all for $29.95 a year. |
RCBS Stuck Case Removal Kit Not that this would ever happen to US, but… In the unlikely event that you get a cartridge case stuck in your resizing die, here’s the stuff you need to get it out – all in one convenient package. |
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