There are more than 21,000 — and counting! — firearms laws on the books across the country. Add to that varying policies from ranges and clubs, and things get confusing pretty quickly. While we can’t provide definitive legal advice for every situation, we can touch on some of the most common shooting range questions. In the end, you are responsible, so be sure to double-check local laws and range policies before you go.

How Much Does It Cost to Shoot at a Shooting Range?

Different shooting ranges have different pricing models. Most indoor ranges charge by the hour. Prices vary, though most average about $20 per hour for use of a single shooting lane. If you’re going with a friend or significant other, in most cases you can share a single lane and take turns.

Outdoor shooting ranges tend to offer day or half-day rates. More travel, set up and take down mean that it’s not as easy to pop in and out for a quick shooting session. Most standard outdoor facilities offer rates less than $50 per day.

Be sure to inquire about memberships. Even public ranges that rent shooting lane usage by the hour normally offer monthly or annual discount plans. Some newer “guntry club” ranges offer annual memberships with lots of extra perks, including discounts, lounge access, reservations and exclusive shooting areas.

Can Anyone Go to a Shooting Range?

It’s up to the operator of the facility to allow patrons to shoot. The primary consideration is always safety, so while anyone can attend, if the owner feels that there may be safety risks, he or she may bar someone from shooting.

Do I Need a Gun to Shoot at a Shooting Range or Will the Range Provide Them for Me?

One of the great things about shooting ranges is that you can try a variety of rental firearms before you buy. No, you can’t take them out of the store, but most ranges have a large selection of firearms for rent to use at the facility. You can plan on spending $10 or so to try one of the range’s firearms, but you must also buy the ammo. Ranges that also sell firearms may credit your rental fees back toward the purchase of a firearm when you find one you like.

Read the rest: Just the FAQs: Common Shooting Range Questions – USCCA