Really with Seth and Amy - Saturday Night Live

Really with Seth and Amy - Saturday Night Live


It’s time for another episode of Really!?! with Toys R Us!

Much has been said about the recent Toys R Us corporate decision to ban lawful concealed carry in their stores. They own the tinkle-stained floor tile, so they can make the policies. And I can decide whether or not to go there.

However, I do have to ask – really? I find it interesting how Toys R Us continues to romanticize guns while passing judgement on those who own them…



Nerf Longstrike with Bandolier.png Nerf N-Strike Vulcan EBF-25 Sonic Blaster
nerf_belt_fed_machine_gun.png Nerf N-Strike Longstrike with Bandolier Kit Special Value Pack
Xploerz Blaster.png Xploderz XRanger 2000 Blaster
Air Zone Punisher Gatling Blaster.png Air Zone Punisher Gatling Blaster
Big Buck Hunter Pro.png Big Buck Hunter Pro with Gun for Nintendo Wii
Quick Shot Plus for Wii Camo.png Quick Shot Plus for Nintendo Wii – Camo
Playstation Submachine gun.png PlayStation Move Submachine Gun for Sony PS3 Move

The list goes on to the tune of several hundred assault toys and assault action figures. And there’s nothing more dangerous than assault dolls. Don’t ask me how I know. Please.

I think I get it though. Selling them in attractive colors make it OK to market assault accessories like pistol grips, drum magazines, folding stocks, belt feeders, and sniper scopes. Are you listening Bushmaster? I’d like to pre-order a MOE Mid-Length in day-glo orange please!

The judgmental hypocrisy kinda reminds me of how much hoplophobes like Sylvester Stallone, Daniel Craig, Roger Moore, and Harrison Ford like to plumpify their Tower Bar hors d’oeuvre budgets by aggrandizing the general sexiness of guns.

It’s hard to be a little people and understand such complex matters.