Since the official word of 2018 seems to be “sanctimonious,” I want to call out an important issue: nice gun shaming. If you choose to carry a gun that costs more than a used Hi-Point, you might be judged as fiscally irresponsible, wasteful, or at a minimum, extravagant.

Both of these are solid carry guns. Would you ever choose to carry the one you didn’t shoot as well solely based on price?
Here’s the thing. I hear from lots of folks that one should carry a cheap pistol in case they ever have to use it. Why? The reasoning goes like this. If you ever have to use your firearm in a self-defense encounter, it will almost certainly be seized as evidence, even if it’s blindingly obvious that you acted properly and charges will not likely be filed against you. If it’s taken, then your gun will sit in some evidence locker for days, weeks, months or a couple of millennia. It’s inconvenient for you to carry a gun that’s stowed away at the police department, so you will be without from that day forward, and you’ll have to buy a new one to replace your confiscated firearm.
At first perusal, the logic appears to make a bit of sense, kind of like urinal polishing. Who would want to spend extra money on a quality gun that might be confiscated? What a waste, right? Think of all the things you could do with the money saved like taking Macarena classes or enrolling in hamster cosmetology school.
Read the rest: Carry a Cheap Pistol… In Case You Have to Use It? – The Mag Life
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The ONLY REASON communism existed is BECAUSE OF monarchies and dictatorships ! The only reason they do not use capitalism is to discourage and starve out the bloodsucker parasites monarchy and dictatorship are. When something would (AKA)choose communism, you can now understand the word tyranny and parasite because that is what a monarchy or dictatorship is !
Margaret River mass shooting (shortly before the Bedford)
Triple murder
Bedford mass murder
South Yarra Melbourne triple murder by a gang with machetes
7-eleven axe