Seek Thermal's Reveal combination thermal imager and camera and flashlight.

Seek Thermal’s Reveal combination thermal imager and camera and flashlight.

Seek Thermal is clearly going after a broad market with its brand new product, the RevealXR.

Last year at SHOT Show, the Seek Thermal team introduced the Compact. This smartphone add-on offered stunning short range thermal imaging at a price point of just $249. This year, the Seek Thermal folks have added a longer range version of that product, the CompactXR. The new model extends the detection range a 20-degree field of view as compared to 33 degrees on the original compact model. Whether used for camping, hunting, or walking the dog at night, this portable little device is affordable on a broad scale.

Now the Seek team has added the Reveal handheld thermal imagers to the lineup. As the name implies, these units require no host smartphone. As they are dedicated, they also can detect heat sources at longer range – up to 900 feet for the new RevealXR model. I tested the new unit at moderate ranges of three to 300 feet or so and found the resolution to be clear. Discerning people and various objects was easy. At longer range, you’ll know something is there, but not necessarily what it is.

On its own, the handheld thermal imaging device is a handy thing to have around the house for a multitude of uses, but the real “aha” idea is the inclusion of a 300-lumen flashlight. If you’re out walking at night, you can detect people and animals up to 900 feet away. If you like, you can then turn on the light to identify them. For hunters, the combination of thermal and light means no more lost game. Tracking with thermal is much more effective than with visible optics only devices.

It’s neat stuff at a great retail price point. The best part is the breadth of potential applications. Even if one’s outdoor activities are limited to walks around the neighborhood, it’s a handy addition.

MSRP: $449.00