Lancer's L15 Outlaw Rifle

Lancer’s L15 Outlaw Rifle

Quick, what company does all of the following?

Makes composite 2,000-pound bomb fins for the Israeli military.

Designs and manufactures harsh environment fiber optic camera solutions to withstand massive heat and pressure. If Brendan Fraser had this gear before his Journey to the Center of the Earth, we all could have been spared the pain of a rotten adventure movie.

Designs and manufactures components for heavy use rifles like magazines, stocks, and handguards.

Makes some of the coolest looking AR-15 and AR-10 type rifles you can find.

I’m talking about Lancer Systems. Why the unusal product line diversity? Company President Bill Meiklejohn describes Lancer Systems as an engineering company that thrives on figuring out high-tech solutions for problems, regardless of the market segment, within reason of course. It’s a company founded by engineers and run by engineers who thrive on figuring out solutions to pesky unsolved problems.

I had the privilege of spending a couple of days with the Lancer team at an event held at the Virginia International Raceway (and shooting facility) and got plenty of hands-on time with many of Lancer’s products. While they didn’t let me drop one of the 2,000-pound bombs with their composite fins (I asked) they did let me try to destroy some of their Advanced Warfighter magazines, shoot some of their rifles, and play with all sorts of other interesting toys.

Virginia International Raceway for a shooting event? Why, yes. The VIR is like summer camp for big kids. The 1,300 acres of pure fun include a 3.27 mile hilly and winding track, skid pads, trap and skeet ranges, various rifle and pistol ranges, and a world-famous Skip Barber racing school. Throughout our stay, I never could figure out what made more joyful noise, squealing tires and screaming engines or thousands of 5.56mm and .308 Winchester rounds going down range.

Rifle Accessories: Lancer Adaptive MagWell

We started off Day One with a little friendly shoot, move and reload competition. Using standard AR-15 rifles, each shooter started from a seated position inside a truck. On the buzzer, the shooter loaded the first of five magazines, each stocked with six rounds. After exiting the truck, loading a magazine, and hitting three different targets with two shots each, you drop the empty magazine and reload a new one. Six more shots and you repeat the process. By the end of the course, you’ll have loaded five magazines and engaged 15 targets using 30 rounds of ammo. My first run at the course was clocked at 44 seconds from the buzzer to the last shot fired.

The Lancer Adaptive Magwell just screams "feed me now!" You simply add it onto most mil-spec standard lowers.

The Lancer Adaptive Magwell just screams “feed me now!” You simply add it onto most mil-spec standard lowers.

After each of us ran the course, we installed the Lancer Adaptive Magwell on our rifle. Think of this as a giant “feed me” mouth that guides the magazine into place. When you’re in a hurry, can can’t help but insert the magazine properly without a a whole lot of careful alignment between magazine and well. Installation was performed in less than 30 seconds using only a 5.56mm cartridge to press pins into place. We then ran the course again. I could tell the difference in ease and speed of magazine changes while running and gunning, but that difference became evident when I saw my new time of 33 seconds. That’s almost a 30% reduction.

Read the rest at OutdoorHub!